Website Updates Form

Hi Landlord, this form is for use in updating your website so it is the best it can be. Please fill out the details of what you require and we will deal with your request as soon as possible. We guarantee that your request will be completed in 5 working days at the latest.

    Please select the type(s) of ticket from the below

    [group text-change]

    Text Change

    This is For use in changing the main copy of the site. E.g. Introduction, About, Local area, Beers.


    [group menu-change]

    Menu change

    This section is for adding and removing menus from the site


    [group events-change]

    Events Form

    This is for adding events to the site.

    • Title of the event

    • A brief description

    • The date/frequency of the event

    • The image reference when uploaded below


    [group image-change]

    Image Change

    This section is for changes to images on the site

    Please provide images of the best resolution possible as we will optimise them for web

    Images have to be larger than 800 pixels in height/width for gallery images and 1200 pixels wide for banners

    Images should also must not be copyright infringing, please ask the image owner for permission before use


    [group opening-times-change]

    Opening Times Change

    This section is for changing the opening and food service times


    [group social-media-change]

    Social Media Change

    This section is dedicated to changing and adding social media on the website


    [group contact-change]

    Contact Information Change

    This is for changing the pub phonenumber, email address, email address linked to contact forms.

    For security reasons we cannot change the pubs registered email address without ABM approval, If you would like to change the email that thwaites digital support has for your pub. Please get in contact with your ABM


    [group other]

    Other Changes Form

    If your request does not fall into the previous categories please fill out the information about your request below


    Priority Status

    Dependent on the level of service you pay for, we offer priority updates.
    We operate this on a fair usage system.
    Your Level is level 2.
    The amount of priority updates is as follows.

    Level 1 Pubs
    Have 2 priority amends per month.

    Level 2 Pubs
    Have 4 priority amends per month.

    Level 2+ Pubs
    Have 4 priority amends per month.

    Level 3/Bespoke Pubs
    Have 6 priority amends per month.